When you are in college it is so easy to still see yourself as a kid., especially your freshman and sophomore year. However, when you get to become a junior and a senior, thought you may feel like a kid, you are not.
I have learned a valuable lesson recently, one that may cause me to change my life plan. I am hoping and praying that with a whole hearted explanation I will be able to get a second chance. I don't know if I will even be able to at this point, but I don't know what I am going to do if I am not given the opportunity to prove myself.
I have this tightness in my chest, that is causing me pain, and my heart beating in my throat.
I am not the same girl I was last night. Today, at this moment, I am a women. As scary as it is for me, I know I have no choice. The time has come for me to grow up. I'm scared at what the future holds for me, and I can do nothing now but pray that my guardian angel(s) are watching over me, and will be with me every step of the way.
The time has come for me to prove that I can do this. I can be a teacher. I made a mistake, and I now have to right the wrong.
I just hope that it will be enough.
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